nr. 13 / 2013 – Critical discourse in Philosophy and Art


Nr. 13/2013

Topic: Critical Discourse in Philosophy and Art


Petru BEJAN What is art criticism (any longer)? 7
Rolland QUILLIOT L’ambiguïté de l’échec artistique: réflexions sur Le chef d’œuvre inconnu de Balzac 11
Antonela CORBAN The Goldfish and Other Klimtian Reactions to Viennese Art Criticism 26
Ramona ARDELEAN The Problem of Human Consciousness Fragmentation 38
Delia ANDRIEŞ The artistic comprehension. Interpretation and experience 46
Marius CUCU Critical Discourse on Art in H. G. Gadamer’s Opinion 58
Ciprian JELER The critical role of time in the interpretation of multi-level natural selection 64
Mădălin ONU Le sujet herméneutique – instance dialectique. Une réévaluation critique 74
Ionuț BÂRLIBA St. Anselm of Canterbury on Sin and Will.Short Critical Overview 85
Alejandro Rojas JIMENEZ Die Idee des Potenzlosen in der Spätphilosophie Schellings und in der Spätphilosophie Heideggers 95
Connell VAUGHAN Mimesis and Diegesis: A Narratology of (Re-Mythologizing) Ireland 119
J. Edward HACKETT Scheler, Heidegger and Hermeneutics of Value 132
FayemiAdemola KAZEEM Sophie Oluwole’s Hermeneutic Trend in African Political Philosophy: Some Comments 151
Antonela CORBAN Gustav Klimt’s Lady in Gold 171
Florin CRÎŞMĂREANU Simple Notes of Reading Concerning an Event Book: The Parables of Jesus 175
Ciprian JELER Philosophy Struggles with Nature 183
Dana ȚABREA A Global Hermeneutics. The Cave and the Butterfly 192
Florin CRÎȘMĂREANU Sur la métaphysique de R.G. Collingwood 195
Dana ȚABREA Military ethics: issues of non-conventional battleship 199