nr. 23 / 2019 – Topic: Interdisciplinarity – An Umbrella Term?

Nr. 23 / 2019 – Topic: Interdisciplinarity – An Umbrella Term?


Interdisciplinarity – An Umbrella Term?
Cristina BLEORŢU El proyecto RoSe Blent: un ejemplo de la era digital 7
Carina Ionela BRÂNZILĂ The Interdisciplinarity of Online Courses in Academia 15
Florin CRÎŞMĂREANU Philosophie et théologie chez Saint Maxime le Confesseur. Sur l’impossibilité d’une approche interdisciplinaire 23
Bogdan Alexandru DUCA Between Political Science, Theology, and Sociology: Political Theology and Its Evolution 33
Camelia GRĂDINARU Digital Media – between Disciplinarity and Interdisciplinarity 43
Emanuel GROSU The Heliocentrism of the Ancient: between Geometry and Physics 53
Ioana JÎJÎIE MOROŞANU Affectivity – at the Border between Psychology and Rhetoric 63
Andreea MIRONESCU, Doris MIRONESCU Premises for a History of Romanian Literature from a Trans-disciplinary Perspective 73
Mihaela MOCANU, Anca-Diana BIBIRI Beyond “Tribes and Territories” in Humanities 85
Andrei-Constantin SĂLĂVĂSTRU Interdisciplinarity in Early Modern Political Thought: History, Theology and Law in the Huguenot Literature during the 1570s 101
Virgil STOICA Electronic Governance: Interdisciplinary or Multidisciplinary Field? 117
Simon CUFF Affected History: The Truth of Gadamer and Methods in New Testament Hermeneutics 127
Lavinia-Alexandra GRIJAC Lac, non escam. Interpretations of I Cor. 3:2 in patristic and medieval philosophy 137
Andrei-Tudor MAN The Role of Divination in the Stoic System 155
Emanuel COPILAŞ Coping with the Unconscious. Hegel and Psychoanalysis 175
Gerard STAN Réseaux sans échelle dans l’architecture de la connaissance. Une lecture interdisciplinaire 193
Roxana PATRAŞ, Ioana GALLERON, Camelia GRĂDINARU, Ioana LIONTE, Lucreţia PASCARU The Splendors and Mist(eries) of Romanian Digital Literary Studies: a State-of-the-Art just before Horizons 2020 closes off 207
George BONDOR Benjamin Fondane et la philosophie de la crise 223
Florina Rodica HARIGA Concepts, Senses and Interpretations in the Works of Joachim of Fiore Regarding the Lombardian Critique of the Doctrine of the Trinity 229
Diana MARGARIT Narratives of Southern Constellations. Cultural diplomacy and artistic exchanges within the Non-Aligned Movement 237
Pierre-Antoine PONTOIZEAU Note de lecture 249
Bogdan GUGUIANU Classical Style as Achievement of the Living Philosophy 254
Cristian MOISUC Philosophie et théologie – une synthèse patristique 258