nr. 21/2018 – Rewriting Tradition. Hermeneutics and Identity

Nr. 21 / 2018 – Topic: Rewriting Tradition. Hermeneutics and Identity


Topic: Rewriting Tradition. Hermeneutics and Identity
Florina Rodica HARIGA and Ioan Alexandru TOFAN Introduction 5
Romulus BRÂNCOVEANU When Does “Tangible” Meet “Intangible” ? Some Reflections about the Relation between the Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage 7
Gerard STAN Métaphores de l’esprit: camera obscura et l’illusion de l’utilisateur 19
Anton ADĂMUŢ Tradition and Identity – the Prodigal Son and His Brother 35
George BONDOR Sur la tradition. Exercices phénoménologiques et reconstructions historiques 43
Ioan Alexandru TOFAN Tradition et conseil spirituel. André Scrima 53
Vasile Cătălin BOBB How to read Ricoeur or Philosophy
as Anthropology without an Absolute
Andrea MENNA Alla ricerca del patrimonio immateriale e identitario nella pittura moderna rumena 79
Codruţa-Diana SIMIONESCU Cultural Heritage, Identity and Cultural Mediation 95
Anton CRIŞAN Talking with a tradition. Brandom and classical epistemology 105
Oana ȘERBAN The Primitive Intangible Heritage behind Brâncuși’s Modernist Tangible Forms of Culture 115
Ileana DASCĂLU Cultural Heritage and the Inheritance of Civilization. Insights from Michael Oakeshott’s Reflections on Education 133
Ştefan IONESCU  À la recherche de l’identité roumaine:
Constantin Rădulescu-Motru et Daniel David
Andreea POPESCU A Short Survey of the Accounts of Social Groups 157
Horia Vicențiu PĂTRAŞCU The Practice of Baptizing Infants: Instauration of the Resurrection Order and the Doctrine of the Original Sin 169
Ramona ARDELEAN The Auditory-Musical Function or Disfunctionin the Identitary Construction of the National Super-Ego – Case Study on the Disfunctionof the Romanian Super-Ego 185
Florina Rodica HARIGA An Identity-Seeking Model of Approaching Tradition: Joachim of Fiore and the  Lombardian Critique 201
Călin CIOBOTARI Classical Dramaturgy and the Abuse of Interpretation. From Patrimonial Tradition to the Politicisation of Tradition 211
Cristiana-Maria ASĂVOAIE Depicting Identity Outside the Frame of Textualism 217
Tudor-Ştefan ROTARU Who is the Patient in Plato’s Dialogues ? 227
Cosmin-Florentin SPASCHI Why did the Man die? Rosi Braidotti and the Posthuman Project 235
R. J. CARDULLO L’Argent and the Aesthetics of Robert Bresson, Reconsidered 243
Amalia-Florentina DRĂGULĂNESCU Conflictual Mythological Paradigms in Nikos Kazantzakis’ s Dramas 259
Carina Ionela BRÂNZILĂ Identity and Education in the Case of Children’s Literature 267
Cătălin RUSU Between Mythology and History. The Ancient Poet  at the Crossroads of Truth and False 275
Serhii SHEVCHENKO Gadamerian Background of Merold Wesphal’s
Existential Hermeneutics of Religion
Cristian MOISUC Critiquer et défendre l’augustinisme au XVIIe siècle. Censures doctrinales et enjeux philosophiques 309
Entretien avec François Bœspflug et réalisé par Tudor Petcu 323
Florin CRÎŞMĂREANU Un voyage symbolique et son sens spirituel. Tendenda vela…, decrevimus enim peregrinari omnibus diebus vitae nostra. (Călătoria Sfântului abate Brendan, Iaşi, Polirom, 2018) 331